Who are the social engagement facilitators?
This is an all-encompassing term referring to social facilitators, community participation officers, community liaison officers and development practitioners. ASEFSA recognizes the significant role that these individuals and their organizations play in socio-economic development and the need for them to be recognized as practicing professionals.

• To regulate the social engagement facilitation profession/CoP.
• To promote moral and ethical behaviours amongst SEFs and Social Engagement Practitioners.
• Develop and advance the social engagement facilitators profession
• Create a space and platform for social engagement facilitators to share ideas and experiences and learn from each other.
• Conduct research and produce publications,
• Connect social engagement facilitators with other social partners.
• Organize networking sessions, conferences, trainings and exchange sessions for SEFs and SEPs.

ASEFSA legal status
The Association is a registered non-profit making company (NPC). The highest decision- making body of ASEFSA is the COUNCIL.

Constitution of the council
• The Association Council is made up seven people, four representing social partners Organizations and three representatives of social engagement facilitation practices
• The Council is constituted by the Articles of Association.
• The terms of office of Council members is two years.
• Council members are elected by members.

Roles and functions of social engagement facilitators (SEFs) and practitioners
1. Facilitate social engagement in targeted development projects areas,
2. Intervene to provide guidance and resolve conflicts
3. Development of Social Engagement Facilitation Strategies for companies and municipalities.
4. Provide Development intelligence information, to prevent conflicts and disruptions and identify feasible intervention strategies
5. Conduct community awareness campaigns,
6. Provide trainings on social engagement
7. Stakeholder engagement facilitation (MOU, ToR etc)
6. Economic Transformation analysis tools
8. Investors attraction and engagement
9. Development of Social Accords for District Municipalities and Provinces.



